21 research outputs found

    Examining the Relevancy and Utility of the American Fisheries Society Certification Program to Prepare Future Fisheries Professionals

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    Fisheries science is a diverse field that requires individuals to be knowledgeable in many disciplines in addition to fisheries (e.g., economics, sociology, political science, chemistry; Kelso and Murphy 1988). This challenges students attempting to enter a career in fisheries, as well as academic institutions and eventual employers, to develop both depth and breadth of knowledge needed to succeed in the profession (Oglesby and Krueger 1989). The preparedness and competency of young professionals entering the workforce has long been a problem (Stauffer and McMullin 2009). Several constraints and ongoing challenges facing the profession have continued to magnify these issues over time (McMullin et al., this issue). These issues stem from the diversity of skills required or expected across employer groups (e.g., government agencies, private sectors, nongovernment organizations) and degree levels sought (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.), complexity of fisheries-related problems, and balancing a broad academic focus with specific training. Additionally, employers perceive that students lack welldeveloped critical thinking, communication, and statistical skills that are highly desired in any area of fisheries. The American Fisheries Society’s (AFS) mission of preparing and promoting the development of fisheries professionals has been addressed in many ways, including development of the AFS Professional Certification Program in 1963. This program provides minimum standards for which fisheries professionals are recognized across government, academic, and nongovernment entities. The certification program fosters greater recognition that fisheries professionals are well equipped and prepared to act on the public’s behalf concerning fisheries-related issues. Two tiers of certification exist, with first-tier certification (Associate Fisheries Professional) contingent upon the completion of higher education courses in six broad subject areas. In this article, we focus on the first tier of certification, the basic education determined by AFS to be critical in preparing young professionals for a career in fisheries

    Are We Preparing the Next Generation of Fisheries Professionals to Succeed in their Careers?: A Survey of AFS Members

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    Natural resource professionals have frequently criticized universities for poorly preparing graduates to succeed in their jobs. We surveyed members of the American Fisheries Society to determine which job skills and knowledge of academic topics employers, students, and university faculty members deemed most important to early-career success of fisheries professionals. Respondents also rated proficiency of recently hired, entry-level professionals (employers) on how well their programs prepared them for career success (students and faculty) in those same job skills and academic topics. Critical thinking and written and oral communication skills topped the list of important skills and academic topics. Employers perceived recent entry-level hires to be less well-prepared to succeed in their careers than either university faculty or students. Entry-level hires with post-graduate degrees rated higher in proficiency for highly important skills and knowledge than those with bachelor’s degrees. We conclude that although universities have the primary responsibility for developing critical thinking and basic communication skills of students, employers have equal or greater responsibility for enhancing skills of employees in teamwork, field techniques, and communicating with stakeholders. The American Fisheries Society can significantly contribute to the preparation of young fisheries professionals by providing opportunities for continuing education and networking with peers at professional conferences. ¿Estamos preparando a la siguiente generación de profesionales en pesquerías para que tengan éxito en sus carreras?: una encuesta a miembros de la AFS Los profesionales de los recursos naturales, con frecuencia, han criticado a las universidades por la preparación deficiente de los graduados para tener éxito en sus trabajos. En este trabajo se encuestaron a miembros de la Sociedad Americana de Pesquerías para determinar qué conocimiento de tópicos académicos y habilidades laborales consideran los empleados, estudiantes y miembros de facultades universitarias como las más importantes en los profesionales de las pesquerías para tener éxito al inicio de sus carreras. Los encuestados también reconocieron las habilidades de los profesionistas regresados y contratados (empleados) o qué tan bien sus programas académicos los preparaban para tener éxito en sus carreras (estudiantes y facultad) en las mismas habilidades laborales y tópicos académicos. El pensamiento crítico y las habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita encabezaron la lista de habilidades y tópicos académicos importantes. Los empleadores percibieron a las contrataciones recientes como menos preparadas para tener éxito en sus carreras que los miembros de la facultad o los propios estudiantes. Los individuos recién contratados con posgrado fueron mejor calificados en cuanto a poseer el conocimiento y las habilidades más importantes que los titulados de licenciatura. Concluimos que si bien las universidades tienen la responsabilidad primordial de desarrollar el pensamiento crítico y las habilidades de comunicación en los estudiantes, los empleadores tienen la misma o mayor responsabilidad para fomentar las habilidades de sus trabajadores en lo referente a trabajo en equipo, técnicas de trabajo en campo, y comunicación con los involucrados en las pesquerías. La Sociedad Americana de Pesquerías puede contribuir significativamente a preparar a los jóvenes profesionistas de las pesquerías mediante el otorgamiento de oportunidades para continuar con su educación y el establecimiento de redes de contactos, durante conferencias, con pares y profesionales. Préparons-nous la prochaine génération de professionnels de la pêche à réussir leur carrière?: Un sondage auprès des membres AFS Les professionnels des ressources naturelles ont fréquemment critiqué les universités, car elles préparent mal les diplômés à réussir leur carrière. Nous avons interrogé les membres de l’American Fisheries Society pour déterminer quelles compétences professionnelles et quelles connaissances académiques les employeurs, étudiants et membres du corps professoral des universités jugent les plus importantes pour le succès des professionnels de la pêche au début de leur carrière. Les répondants ont également évalué l’aptitude des professionnels récemment entrés sur le marché du travail (employeurs) ou dans quelle mesure les programmes les ont préparés à réussir leur carrière (étudiants et professeurs) dans ces mêmes compétences professionnelles et sujets académiques. La pensée critique, les compétences en communication écrite et orale étaient en tête de la liste des compétences et des sujets académiques importants. Les employeurs ont perçu les professionnels récemment entrés sur le marché du travail moins bien préparés pour réussir dans leur carrière que les professeurs d’université ou les étudiants. Les employés au niveau d’entrée possédant des diplômes postuniversitaires étaient mieux notés dans la maîtrise des compétences et des connaissances très importantes que ceux ne possédant que des diplômes de baccalauréat. Nous concluons que, bien que les universités aient la responsabilité principale de développer la pensée critique et les compétences en communication de base des étudiants, les employeurs ont la responsabilité égale ou supérieure d’améliorer ces compétences dans le travail d’équipe, les techniques de terrain et la communication avec les parties prenantes. L’American Fisheries Society peut contribuer de manière significative à la préparation des jeunes professionnels de la pêche en offrant des possibilités de formation continue et de réseautage avec des pairs lors de conférences professionnelles

    Domestic dog health worsens with socio-economic deprivation of their home communities

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    Dogs play an important role in infectious disease transmission as reservoir hosts of many zoonotic and wildlife pathogens. Nevertheless, unlike wildlife species involved in the life cycle of pathogens, whose health status might be a direct reflection of their fitness and competitive abilities, dog health condition could be sensitive to socio-economic factors impacting the well-being of their owners. Here, we compare several dog health indicators in three rural communities of Panama with different degrees of socio-economic deprivation. From a total of 78 individuals, we collected blood and fecal samples, and assessed their body condition. With the blood samples, we performed routine hematologic evaluation (complete blood counts) and measured cytokine levels (Interferon-γ and Interleukin-10) through enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. With the fecal samples we diagnosed helminthiases. Dogs were also serologically tested for exposure to Trypanosoma cruzi and canine distemper virus, and molecular tests were done to assess T. cruzi infection status. We found significant differences between dog health measurements, pathogen prevalence, parasite richness, and economic status of the human communities where the dogs lived. We found dogs that were less healthy, more likely to be infected with zoonotic pathogens, and more likely to be seropositive to canine distemper virus in the communities with lower economic status. This study concludes that isolated communities of lower economic status in Panama may have less healthy dogs that could become major reservoirs in the transmission of diseases to humans and sympatric wildlife

    2015 update of the evidence base:World Allergy Organization anaphylaxis guidelines

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    The World Allergy Organization (WAO) Guidelines for the assessment and management of anaphylaxis provide a unique global perspective on this increasingly common, potentially life-threatening disease. Recommendations made in the original WAO Anaphylaxis Guidelines remain clinically valid and relevant, and are a widely accessed and frequently cited resource. In this 2015 update of the evidence supporting recommendations in the Guidelines, new information based on anaphylaxis publications from January 2014 through mid- 2015 is summarized. Advances in epidemiology, diagnosis, and management in healthcare and community settings are highlighted. Additionally, new information about patient factors that increase the risk of severe and/or fatal anaphylaxis and patient co-factors that amplify anaphylactic episodes is presented and new information about anaphylaxis triggers and confirmation of triggers to facilitate specific trigger avoidance and immunomodulation is reviewed. The update includes tables summarizing important advances in anaphylaxis research. Keywords: Anaphylaxis, Epinephrine, Auto-injector, Food allergy, Stinging insect venom allergy, Drug allergy, Latex allergy, Exercise-induced anaphylaxis, Systemic allergic reaction, Adrenalin

    Examining the Relevancy and Utility of the American Fisheries Society Certification Program to Prepare Future Fisheries Professionals

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    Fisheries science is a diverse field that requires individuals to be knowledgeable in many disciplines in addition to fisheries (e.g., economics, sociology, political science, chemistry; Kelso and Murphy 1988). This challenges students attempting to enter a career in fisheries, as well as academic institutions and eventual employers, to develop both depth and breadth of knowledge needed to succeed in the profession (Oglesby and Krueger 1989). The preparedness and competency of young professionals entering the workforce has long been a problem (Stauffer and McMullin 2009). Several constraints and ongoing challenges facing the profession have continued to magnify these issues over time (McMullin et al., this issue). These issues stem from the diversity of skills required or expected across employer groups (e.g., government agencies, private sectors, nongovernment organizations) and degree levels sought (B.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D.), complexity of fisheries-related problems, and balancing a broad academic focus with specific training. Additionally, employers perceive that students lack welldeveloped critical thinking, communication, and statistical skills that are highly desired in any area of fisheries. The American Fisheries Society’s (AFS) mission of preparing and promoting the development of fisheries professionals has been addressed in many ways, including development of the AFS Professional Certification Program in 1963. This program provides minimum standards for which fisheries professionals are recognized across government, academic, and nongovernment entities. The certification program fosters greater recognition that fisheries professionals are well equipped and prepared to act on the public’s behalf concerning fisheries-related issues. Two tiers of certification exist, with first-tier certification (Associate Fisheries Professional) contingent upon the completion of higher education courses in six broad subject areas. In this article, we focus on the first tier of certification, the basic education determined by AFS to be critical in preparing young professionals for a career in fisheries

    Are We Preparing the Next Generation of Fisheries Professionals to Succeed in their Careers?: A Survey of AFS Members

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    Natural resource professionals have frequently criticized universities for poorly preparing graduates to succeed in their jobs. We surveyed members of the American Fisheries Society to determine which job skills and knowledge of academic topics employers, students, and university faculty members deemed most important to early-career success of fisheries professionals. Respondents also rated proficiency of recently hired, entry-level professionals (employers) on how well their programs prepared them for career success (students and faculty) in those same job skills and academic topics. Critical thinking and written and oral communication skills topped the list of important skills and academic topics. Employers perceived recent entry-level hires to be less well-prepared to succeed in their careers than either university faculty or students. Entry-level hires with post-graduate degrees rated higher in proficiency for highly important skills and knowledge than those with bachelor’s degrees. We conclude that although universities have the primary responsibility for developing critical thinking and basic communication skills of students, employers have equal or greater responsibility for enhancing skills of employees in teamwork, field techniques, and communicating with stakeholders. The American Fisheries Society can significantly contribute to the preparation of young fisheries professionals by providing opportunities for continuing education and networking with peers at professional conferences. ¿Estamos preparando a la siguiente generación de profesionales en pesquerías para que tengan éxito en sus carreras?: una encuesta a miembros de la AFS Los profesionales de los recursos naturales, con frecuencia, han criticado a las universidades por la preparación deficiente de los graduados para tener éxito en sus trabajos. En este trabajo se encuestaron a miembros de la Sociedad Americana de Pesquerías para determinar qué conocimiento de tópicos académicos y habilidades laborales consideran los empleados, estudiantes y miembros de facultades universitarias como las más importantes en los profesionales de las pesquerías para tener éxito al inicio de sus carreras. Los encuestados también reconocieron las habilidades de los profesionistas regresados y contratados (empleados) o qué tan bien sus programas académicos los preparaban para tener éxito en sus carreras (estudiantes y facultad) en las mismas habilidades laborales y tópicos académicos. El pensamiento crítico y las habilidades de comunicación oral y escrita encabezaron la lista de habilidades y tópicos académicos importantes. Los empleadores percibieron a las contrataciones recientes como menos preparadas para tener éxito en sus carreras que los miembros de la facultad o los propios estudiantes. Los individuos recién contratados con posgrado fueron mejor calificados en cuanto a poseer el conocimiento y las habilidades más importantes que los titulados de licenciatura. Concluimos que si bien las universidades tienen la responsabilidad primordial de desarrollar el pensamiento crítico y las habilidades de comunicación en los estudiantes, los empleadores tienen la misma o mayor responsabilidad para fomentar las habilidades de sus trabajadores en lo referente a trabajo en equipo, técnicas de trabajo en campo, y comunicación con los involucrados en las pesquerías. La Sociedad Americana de Pesquerías puede contribuir significativamente a preparar a los jóvenes profesionistas de las pesquerías mediante el otorgamiento de oportunidades para continuar con su educación y el establecimiento de redes de contactos, durante conferencias, con pares y profesionales. Préparons-nous la prochaine génération de professionnels de la pêche à réussir leur carrière?: Un sondage auprès des membres AFS Les professionnels des ressources naturelles ont fréquemment critiqué les universités, car elles préparent mal les diplômés à réussir leur carrière. Nous avons interrogé les membres de l’American Fisheries Society pour déterminer quelles compétences professionnelles et quelles connaissances académiques les employeurs, étudiants et membres du corps professoral des universités jugent les plus importantes pour le succès des professionnels de la pêche au début de leur carrière. Les répondants ont également évalué l’aptitude des professionnels récemment entrés sur le marché du travail (employeurs) ou dans quelle mesure les programmes les ont préparés à réussir leur carrière (étudiants et professeurs) dans ces mêmes compétences professionnelles et sujets académiques. La pensée critique, les compétences en communication écrite et orale étaient en tête de la liste des compétences et des sujets académiques importants. Les employeurs ont perçu les professionnels récemment entrés sur le marché du travail moins bien préparés pour réussir dans leur carrière que les professeurs d’université ou les étudiants. Les employés au niveau d’entrée possédant des diplômes postuniversitaires étaient mieux notés dans la maîtrise des compétences et des connaissances très importantes que ceux ne possédant que des diplômes de baccalauréat. Nous concluons que, bien que les universités aient la responsabilité principale de développer la pensée critique et les compétences en communication de base des étudiants, les employeurs ont la responsabilité égale ou supérieure d’améliorer ces compétences dans le travail d’équipe, les techniques de terrain et la communication avec les parties prenantes. L’American Fisheries Society peut contribuer de manière significative à la préparation des jeunes professionnels de la pêche en offrant des possibilités de formation continue et de réseautage avec des pairs lors de conférences professionnelles